Although both the beard and hair have a fairly fast growth rate, with the hair, the guys can let it grow a bit longer, in that gas for the beard you can not lazy to shave. Having a bushy, bushy beard will make your face look sloppy and unkempt, and it will also denounce you as a man who doesn’t know how to take care of himself. Therefore, shaving and shaving regularly is essential.
How is called shaving properly?
The average man must spend up to 3,600 hours shaving in his lifetime. To the face, shaving is like an “enemy” because they are always at risk of scratching and infection of the skin. According to the researchers, shaving will make the immune system work harder. What this means is that the daily shaving routine will make the skin’s immune system exhausted more quickly. Therefore, men need to learn how to shave “properly” to protect their skin and health.
Shaving does not cause damage to the face
Should shave when?
Vietnamese men often enlist shaving after bathing in the evening. However, you should not shave at that time because the facial skin at that time is both very sensitive and not relaxing so shaving will make you more sore and more likely to scratch. The best time to shave is in the early morning when you wake up.
Besides, you should shave before breakfast because chewing action when eating will push blood to the jaw area, around the lips and eyes. Therefore, shaving after eating will make it easier to bleed.
Whether you shave with a knife or a machine, the blade must be absolutely sharp and clean. A lightning knife will cause skin infections if you accidentally bleed when you shave.
In particular, shave along the direction of the hair because shaving backwards will damage the pores.
How to shave
Before shaving you should wash your face thoroughly with warm water to both pasteurize the skin, just open the pores, help the blade “glide” on the skin “smoother”. Do not forget to use shaving foam to help soften the beard, limiting the blade contact with the skin causing skin damage.

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